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Dr Michael Poplawski

Dr Michael Poplawski wrote the 1st edition of “GP on the Move” ("CSA on the Move") as a GPST3 at the end of his 3 year GP Vocational Training Scheme at the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals in Preston and Chorley, having successfully passed both the AKT and CSA.


After graduating from medical school and prior to starting GP training, he went on to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Music at the University of Salford, specialising in composition and sound engineering. “By combining both passions [medical and sound engineering], I hope ‘GP on the Move’ will help you get off on the right foot in your GP career, exam or even placement".


Medical Audiobook

There are 30 topics covered in "GP on the Move". The idea for "GP on the Move" (then "CSA on the Move") came out of attending the RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) CSA Exam Preparation course at the RCGP Headquarters at 30 Euston Square in London.


The RCGP programme lead asked the group if there were any particular things related to general practice or the CSA exam that we wanted to discuss. Some replied: "Tell us the cases". The room filled with laughter to which he responded: "Well, I obviously can't tell you that, but you are going to need to make sure you know all about Menorrhagia, Erectile Dysfunction, Palpitations and so on..." until he got up to 30 topics. These were later the foundation of "GP on the Move: A Practical Audio Guide to the Clinical Management of Common Everyday GP Scenarios."  Each topic follows the same simple  structure: Key Knowledge, Key elements from the History/Examination, Investigations and Management and then the Key Knowledge is repeated to close it all off.

How? (does it work)

Podcasts App or Online Streaming

"GP on the Move: A Practical Audio Guide to the Clinical Management of Common Everyday GP Scenarios." is now available in digital audiobook form, hosted by Awesound.  30 Clinical GP topics, all updated for 2021 according to most recent NICE, SIGN and NHS guidelines, with a total running time of 2 hours and 52 minutes along with an included 40+ page PDF reference file, are now readily available.


Once purchased, you will receive an email with confirmation, full access to all of the files online and a direct link to get all of the episodes straight into your Apple Podcasts app (available for download/offline listening as well). Android apps also fully compatible and available. Finally, don't forget the comprehensive and full PDF available for review and great for your own reference and convenience.

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